Conditions of use

Updated November 7, 2023

1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to establish the General Conditions of Use of the Internet Portal "" and any other portal owned by COCAMPO DIGITAL S.L. (hereinafter Cocampo), with registered office at Avenida Ventisquero de la Condesa, 13, local 17-18, 28035 Madrid, with Tax Identification Number B-09811183 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid. General Section of Companies of February 23, 2022, Volume 43167, Folio 114, Page M-762777, 1st inscription, and e-mail

Cocampo reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Use to adapt them to the current legislation applicable at any given time.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain Services of the Portal, due to their characteristics, may be subject, in addition to the General Conditions of Use, to other specific conditions according to the services offered by the person responsible for the website.

The User's use of any of the Portal's Services implies his/her adherence to and express acceptance of all the General Conditions of Use in the version published on this portal at the time the User accesses the Portal, as well as the Specific Conditions that, where applicable, are applicable.

2. Conditions of access and use of the portal

2.1. Conditions of access and use of the Portal

The use of any Service of the Portal confers the Status of User of the same.

2.2. Booking

Cocampo reserves the right to disseminate and retouch, in whole or in part, the Advertiser's advertisements on third-party portals, in advertising campaigns to promote the portal, both its own and those of third-party companies with which the portal may reach agreements, as well as on other websites, such as social networks or blogs, the Advertiser accepting this condition for the maximum period provided by law and for the widest possible geographical scope.

2.3. Need for Registration

In general, in order to access the Services of the Portal, it will not be necessary to register the User of the Portal. However, the use of certain Services may be conditional on the User's prior registration. This registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the Service itself or in the Particular Conditions that are applicable to it.

2.4. Cost of the Services

In general, the Services offered through the Portal will be free of charge. However, the use of certain Services of the Portal is subject to financial consideration in the manner and terms determined in the corresponding Particular Conditions.

2.5. Use of the Portal and its Services

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents and/or services offered by the Portal will be at his/her sole risk and/or responsibility. The User undertakes to use the Portal and all its content and Services in accordance with the law, morality, public order and these General Conditions of Use, and the Particular Conditions that, where applicable, are applicable to them. Likewise, it undertakes to make proper use of the services and/or contents of the Portal and not to use them to carry out illegal or criminal activities, which violate the rights of third parties and/or that infringe the regulations on intellectual and industrial property, or any other rules of the applicable legal system. The User knows and accepts that the portal will send an automatic response for each of the advertisements in which he/she is interested and duly contacts. In particular, the User undertakes not to transmit, introduce, disseminate or make available to third parties, any type of material and information (data, contents, messages, drawings, sound and image files, photographs, software, etc.) that are contrary to the law, morality, public order and these General Conditions of Use and, where appropriate, to the Particular Conditions that are applicable to it. By way of example, and in no case limiting or exclusive, the User undertakes to:

  • Not to introduce or disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, in support of terrorism or that violates human rights.
  • Not to introduce or disseminate data programs (viruses and harmful software) on the network that may cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its suppliers or third-party Internet users.
  • Not to disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized in the Constitution and in international treaties.
  • Not to disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes illegal or unfair advertising.
  • Not to transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, advertising materials, "junk mail", "chain letters", "pyramid schemes", or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as commercial spaces) that are solely intended for this purpose.
  • Not to introduce or disseminate any false, ambiguous, or inaccurate information and content in a way that misleads the recipients of the information.
  • Not to impersonate other Users by using their registration keys to the different services and/or contents of the Portals.
  • Not to disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates the intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, trademarks, or copyrights that correspond to the owners of the Portals or to third parties.
  • Not to disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates the secrecy of communications and personal data legislation.

3. Intellectual and industrial property

The User acknowledges that all the elements of the Portal and each of the Services provided through it, the information and materials contained therein, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents and the computer programs used in relation thereto are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of Cocampo or third parties.

Unless authorized by Cocampo or, where applicable, by the third-party holders of the corresponding rights, or unless legally permitted, the User may not reproduce, transform, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, rent, lend, make available or allow access to the public through any form of public communication of any of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph.

In particular, it is strictly forbidden to use the texts, images, advertisements and any other element included in this website for their subsequent inclusion, in whole or in part, on other websites outside Cocampo without the prior written authorization of Cocampo.

The User must use the materials, elements and information accessed through the use of the Portal and each of the corresponding Services solely for their own needs, undertaking not to carry out, directly or indirectly, a commercial exploitation of the services or the materials, elements and information obtained through them.

The User must refrain from removing the signs identifying the rights (intellectual, industrial or any other) of Cocampo or of third parties that appear on the Portal and in each of the various Services offered through it. Likewise, the User must refrain from circumventing or manipulating any technical devices established by Cocampo or by third parties, whether on the Portal, in any of the Services or in any of the materials, elements or information obtained through it, for the protection of their rights.

By uploading photos to the Portal, the User grants Cocampo the intellectual property exploitation rights over them free of charge. Therefore, Cocampo may reproduce, transform (including, without limitation, the inclusion of watermarks or other mechanisms preventing unauthorized use by third parties), distribute, and communicate them to the public (including making them available to the public) through any mode of exploitation and using any format, support, or means of exploitation or communication. This assignment of rights is not subject to any temporal or territorial limitation, meaning it is valid worldwide and for the entire legal duration of these rights. Cocampo may exercise the exploitation rights of the photographs in the manner it deems most convenient, and it may even transfer or assign them, either exclusively or not, to third parties on terms and conditions it deems appropriate.

4. Disclaimer of Warranties. Responsibility

4.1. Availability and Continuity of the Cocampo Portal and Services

Cocampo does not guarantee the availability, access and continuity of the operation of the Portal and its Services. Cocampo shall not be liable, within the limits established in the current Legal System, for any damages caused to the User as a result of the unavailability, access failures and lack of continuity of the Portal and its Services.

4.2. Cocampo's Content and Services

Cocampo will be solely and exclusively responsible for the Services it provides by itself and for the content directly originated by Cocampo and identified with its copyright. Such liability will be excluded in cases where force majeure occurs or in cases where the configuration of the User's equipment is not adequate to allow the correct use of the Internet services provided by Cocampo. In any case, Cocampo's liability to the User for all items will be limited to a maximum of the amount of the amounts received directly from the User by Cocampo, excluding in any case liability for indirect damages or loss of profits.

4.3. Third-Party Content and Services

Cocampo does not control, approve, or endorse in advance the content, services, opinions, communications, data, files, products, and any kind of information from third parties, whether legal entities or individuals, gathered on the Portal. Likewise, it does not guarantee the legality, reliability, utility, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the content, information, and services of third parties on the Portal.

Cocampo will not be responsible, either directly or indirectly, for damages of any nature arising from the use and contracting of the content and services of third parties on the Portal, as well as the lack of legality, reliability, utility, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the same. By way of illustration, and in no case limiting, it will not be responsible for damages of any nature arising from:

  • Infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights and defective compliance or non-compliance with contractual commitments made by third parties.
  • Acts of unfair competition and unlawful advertising.
  • Inadequacy and disappointment of expectations regarding the services and content of third parties.
  • Defects and flaws of all kinds in the services and content of third parties provided through the Portal.

Cocampo does not control in advance, does not guarantee, and will not be responsible, either directly or indirectly, for damages of any nature caused to the User as a result of the presence of viruses or other elements in the content and services provided by third parties that may cause alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, or files of the Users.

The disclaimer of responsibility mentioned in the previous paragraphs will apply in the event that Cocampo does not have effective knowledge that the activity or information stored is illegal or injures the rights or property of a third party susceptible to compensation, or in case it acts diligently, once it has effective knowledge, to remove the data and content or make access to them impossible.

4.4. Conduct of Users

Cocampo does not guarantee that Portal Users will use its content and/or services in accordance with the law, morality, public order, or the present General Conditions, and, where applicable, the Specific Conditions that may apply. Likewise, it does not guarantee the truth and accuracy, completeness, and/or authenticity of the data provided by Users.

Cocampo will not be responsible, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any nature derived from the use of the Portal's Services and Contents by Users or that may arise from the lack of truth, accuracy, and/or authenticity of the data or information provided by Users, or from the impersonation of a third party carried out by a User in any type of action through the Portal. By way of illustration but not limitation, Cocampo will not be indirectly or subsidiarily responsible for:

  • The content, information, opinions, and statements of any User or third parties that communicate or display through the Portal.
  • Damages and harm caused to third parties resulting from the User's use of the services and contents of the Portal.
  • Damages and harm caused by the lack of truth, accuracy, or correctness of the identity of Users and all information they provide or make accessible to other Users.
  • Damages and harm derived from infringements by any User affecting the rights of another User or third parties, including copyright, trademark, patents, confidential information, and any other intellectual and industrial property rights.

5. Contracting with third parties through the portal

The User acknowledges and accepts that any contractual or non-contractual relationship that, where applicable, is formalized with advertisers or third parties contacted through the Portal, as well as their participation in contests, promotions, purchase and sale of goods or services, are understood to be carried out solely and exclusively between the User and the advertiser and/or third party. Consequently, the User accepts that Cocampo has no liability whatsoever for damages of any kind caused as a result of its negotiations, conversations and/or contractual or non-contractual relations with advertisers or third party individuals or legal entities contacted through the Portal.

6. Technical Liaison Devices

El Portal provides Users with technical linking devices and search tools that allow Users to access third-party-owned portals (links). The User acknowledges and agrees that the use of the services and content of the linked portals will be at their sole risk and responsibility, and releases Cocampo from any liability regarding the technical availability of linked portals, the quality, reliability, accuracy, and/or truthfulness of the services, information, elements, and/or content that the User may access on the portals and in the search directories included in the Portal.

Cocampo will not be indirectly or subsidiarily responsible for damages of any nature derived from:

  • The operation, unavailability, inaccessibility, and lack of continuity of the linked portals and/or available search directories.
  • The lack of maintenance and updating of the content and services contained in the linked portals.
  • The lack of quality, inaccuracy, unlawfulness, or uselessness of the content and services of the linked portals.

The exemption from liability mentioned in the paragraphs above will apply in the event that Cocampo does not have effective knowledge that the activity or information to which it refers is illegal or injures the rights or property of a third party susceptible to compensation, or if it does have knowledge, it acts diligently to remove the data and content or make access to them impossible.

7. Termination

Without prejudice to liability for damages that may arise, Cocampo may, immediately and without prior notice, terminate its relationship with the User, interrupting their access to the Portal or its corresponding Services if it detects a use thereof or of any linked Services contrary to the general or specific terms and conditions that are applicable. The User will be liable for damages of any kind that Cocampo may suffer directly or indirectly as a result of the breach of any obligations arising from the general or specific conditions regarding the use of the Portal or any linked Services. Similarly, the User will indemnify Cocampo against any sanction, claim, or demand that may be filed by a third party, including any public entities, against Cocampo, its employees, or agents as a result of the violation of any rights of third parties by said User through the use of the Portal or linked services in a manner contrary to what is stipulated in the general or specific terms and conditions that apply.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. Modifications

Cocampo reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate, being able to modify, delete and include new content and/or services, as well as the way in which they are presented and located.

8.2. Minors

In general, in order to use the Services of the Portal, minors must have previously obtained the authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all acts carried out through the Portal by the minors in their care. In those Services in which it is expressly indicated, access will be restricted only and exclusively to those over 18 years of age.

9. Term and Termination

The provision of the services and/or contents of the Portal has an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in accordance with these General Conditions, Cocampo is entitled to unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, the provision of the service and the Portal and/or any of the services, without prejudice to the provisions in this regard in the corresponding particular conditions.

10. Other

Energy efficiency certification level (Royal Decree 390/2021, of 1 June)

Level of energy efficiency certification (properties located in the Basque Country, Decree 25/2019, of 26 February)

Cocampo reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the General Terms and Conditions of Contract, as well as to the prices of the Services available.

The prices of the services for each of the modalities will be those established on the corresponding pages of the Portal for each service and will be valid for as long as they remain accessible to the User.

In general, Cocampo informs the Advertiser that it will not archive the electronic document in which the contracting of the Service is formalized. Likewise, it informs you that the Service Contracting Procedure and all the contractual documents that will govern the formalized relationship will be carried out in Spanish.

The General Terms and Conditions of Contract that must govern the relationship between Cocampo and the Advertiser will be applicable from the beginning of the Online Contracting Procedure for the Service indicated in this document until the end of the period of time for which the insertion of the advertisement(s) has been contracted.

11. Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

All matters relating to the Portal are governed by the Laws of the Kingdom of Spain and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain). In the event that the User's domicile is outside of Spain, Cocampo and the User submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain).

We would like to inform you that a European dispute resolution platform for online recruitment is available to you. Thus, for the resolution of consumer disputes (in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013), the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link:

Specific Terms and Conditions for the Advertising Service

1. General Terms and Conditions

The purpose of this document is to establish the General Terms and Conditions of the ANUNCIOS Service (hereinafter the Service) provided by Cocampo Digital S.L. (hereinafter, Cocampo), CIF B09811183, on the Internet Portal (hereinafter, the Portal).

2. Service Description

2.1. The Ad Service may consist of the following modalities:

2.1.1. Service of access and display of advertisements published on the advertisement's portal. This service is free of charge for Users of the website. In order to be able to publish advertisements, it will be necessary for the User to register and include the personal data requested by the corresponding form.

2.1.2 Limited access service to "Atlas" service where map navigation is only allowed up to a certain level of viewing, but full viewing of available farms is not permitted. This service is free of charge for Users of the website.

2.1.3. Advertisement service in the "Portal España" service. This service would have the cost indicated on the website unless there are promotions or specific offers duly published on the Cocampo website or personally announced to the Users of the service.

2.1.4. "International Plan" service, which allows the publication of advertisements on the portal outside Spain (Portugal, France, Italy, etc.). This service would have the cost indicated on the website unless there are promotions or specific offers duly published on the Cocampo website or personally announced to the Users of the service.

2.1.5. Ad serving in the "Layered Map" service. This service would have the cost indicated on the website unless there are promotions or specific offers duly published on the Cocampo website or personally announced to the Users of the service.

2.2. Cocampo reserves the right to disseminate, in whole or in part, the Advertiser's advertisements on third-party portals, in advertising campaigns to promote the portal, as well as on other websites, such as social networks or blogs, the Advertiser accepting this condition.

The User guarantees that he/she is the full owner of the rights that are assigned to Cocampo by virtue of this clause, and that the use and exploitation of the same by Cocampo will not entail any infringement of intellectual property rights, or image, or, in general, of any other kind, that correspond to any third party, and undertakes to indemnify and hold Cocampo harmless in the event of infringement.

3. Modalities of the service

The free plans will be announced for a limited time and in special situations, so if the User does not find any free plan, it will mean that there is no plan of these features active.

4. Procedure for contracting the service

4.1. In order to insert advertisements that require the contracting and/or payment of the service, the User must first subscribe to one of the Payment Plans in force and duly announced on the website. The advertiser must complete his/her registration, at which point the advertiser's data will be registered and fill in the publicity details of the nuncio. All ads must pass a pre-validation service that can take between 24 and 48 hours. However, Cocampo reserves the right to carry out this validation after the publication of the advertisement. For more information, please refer to the section PAYMENT TERMS COMMON TO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES.

4.2. The registered advertiser will be able to place and renew advertisements by simply identifying himself. Once registered, each time the User accesses the area related to advertisements, he must log in to interact with the website.

5. Ad Serving Rules

5.1. In general, the publication of advertisements on the Portal will be subject to the following publication rules:

  1. Repeat announcements will not be published.
  2. Advertisements containing contact details (telephone numbers, emails, URLs, etc.) in the description of the property will not be published.
  3. Ads that include watermarked photographs of any other real estate portal; logos or contact details (telephone numbers, emails, URLs, etc.) of the advertiser; and in general, any photograph that has nothing to do with the advertised property or that does not have a minimum quality will not be published.
  4. Ads with 80x extra paid contact phone numbers will not be published.
  5. No advertisements will be published regarding any product, service or information that may be contrary to the Law, morality, Public Order or the Editorial Standards of the Portal.

5.2. Cocampo reserves the right, if necessary, to reject or modify an advertisement so that it complies with the rules for the publication of advertisements.

6. Limitation of Liability

6.1. The Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that Cocampo's maximum liability to the advertiser arising from the insertion of advertisements is as follows: If Cocampo does not insert the advertisement on the scheduled dates, if the advertisement is not inserted in the agreed manner and terms, whether for technical reasons or any other, or for any other reason, the maximum liability is limited to the reinsertion of the advertisement later in a similar position, and if that is not possible, Cocampo will contact the advertiser to establish an alternative solution.

6.2. In no event will Cocampo be liable for any other type of damages, whether direct, indirect, or of any other kind, nor for any lost profits that the Advertiser may have suffered due to the lack of timely and/or correct publication of any advertisement.

6.3. Cocampo will not be responsible for delays, incorrect publication, or the non-publication of the advertisement that result from events or circumstances beyond its control, including, but not limited to, government action, fire, flood, insurrection, earthquake, technical failure, riot, explosion, embargo, legal or illegal strike, shortage of personnel or materials, disruption of any kind of transportation, work delay, or any other circumstance beyond Cocampo's control.

7. Advertiser's Representations and Warranties/Indemnification

7.1. The insertion of advertisements on the Portal is carried out in consideration of the present representations and warranties made by the Advertiser.

7.2. The Advertiser has the right to publish the content of the advertisement, without infringing the Law and any rights of third parties, including industrial and intellectual property rights. It shall be the responsibility of the Advertiser to obtain all authorizations, public or private, and to make all payments for the use of the intellectual and industrial property rights contained in the advertisement. The Advertiser declares that it is aware that Cocampo has agreed to place the advertisement on the basis of this representation and warranty.

7.3. In relation to the insertion of images, audio and video in the advertisements, the advertiser is solely responsible for its content and it may not contravene the legislation and the established legal order, nor contain insults, disqualifications, foul language or discrimination of any kind, as well as comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph of this section.

7.4. The Advertiser, as well as the advertisement, its content and any material of the Advertiser that may be accessed by the Users of the Portal through the advertisement, comply with the regulations in force on advertising, including that carried out by electronic and online means, as well as any other applicable regulations, and, in particular, those relating to telecommunications, consumer protection and User s, the right to honour, privacy and self-image, and the protection of minors and children.

7.5. The inclusion of the advertisement on the Portal or on any of the websites does not imply the breach or violation of any legal and/or contractual obligation assumed by the Advertiser with third parties.

7.6. The Advertiser shall be solely responsible to the Users of the Portal and third parties for the text and information contained in the advertisement. Thus, by way of example and in no case limiting, Cocampo will not be liable, either directly, indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any kind that may arise for the Users of the Portal and/or third parties from the lack of veracity, accuracy and/or authenticity, legality of the data or information contained in the advertisement inserted.

7.7. The Advertiser acknowledges and accepts that any contractual or non-contractual relationship that, as the case may be, it formalizes with Users of the Portal or third parties contacted through the Portal, are understood to be carried out solely and exclusively between the Advertiser and the User of the Portal and/or the third party. Consequently, the Advertiser accepts that Cocampo has no type of responsibility, either direct, indirect or subsidiary, for damages of any kind caused to the Users of the Portal and/or third parties as a result of the negotiations, conversations and/or contractual or non-contractual relationships that they formalize with the Advertiser.

7.8. In any case, the Advertiser agrees to indemnify Cocampo, immediately upon request, from all expenses, costs, damages and losses of any kind (including attorneys' and solicitors' fees, even if its intervention is not mandatory) incurred by Cocampo as a result of any claim, actual or imminent, of any kind, relating to the publication or communication to the public of the advertisement or its content, including those based on infringement of industrial or intellectual property rights, slander, defamation, breach of duty of confidentiality, disclosure of secrets, breach of any legal or regulatory duty and/or illicit, false or misleading advertising.

8. Right to reject the advertisement by Cocampo

8.1. Cocampo is not obliged to previously review the content of any advertisement, and any review or approval made by Cocampo should not be understood as acceptance that such advertisement complies with the terms of the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT.

8.2. Cocampo reserves the right, exercisable at any time and at its discretion, to:

  1. Reject any ad.
  2. Remove any listings from Cocampo's records or from any page.

Specific Conditions for Contracting the Business Plan Service

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. The purpose of this document is to establish the General Terms and Conditions of the Business Plan Service (hereinafter referred to as the Business Plan) provided by Cocampo Digital S.L. (hereinafter, Cocampo), CIF B09811183, on the Internet Portal (hereinafter the Portal).

2. Service Description

2.1. The Business Plan Service consists of the complete and unrestricted visualization of the farms available on Atlas. This service would have the cost indicated on the website unless there are promotions or specific offers duly published on the Cocampo website or personally announced to the Users of the service.

2.2. This online service uses information and data from public sources, such as the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the Cadastre and other public administrations. It is important to note that these sources are the legitimate owners of the information provided and this is made known to the Users in the information displayed and that it can be consulted by all Users who access the service.

The purpose of this service is to offer more convenient and structured access to this public data so that Users of the service know in a more informed way the situation of possible land that they want to dispose of. It is essential to bear in mind that, given that the information comes from public sources, the service cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the data presented, however, Cocampo will keep the data updated as far as possible and, even, in compliance with the applicable regulations, will include the date of update of the information displayed.

We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. Users should understand that any erroneous, inaccurate, or outdated data is not the responsibility of the online service, but of the original source of such information.

3. Cocampo reserves the right, exercisable at any time and at its discretion, to:

  1. Deactivate the service temporarily or indefinitely without any type of compensation for the User.
  2. Remove any listings from Cocampo's records or from any page.

Payment Terms Common to Subscription Services

All of Cocampo's paid services are linked to the purchase of a subscription. The subscription will remain active as long as you do not decide to unsubscribe from the service. At the time of contracting the service, personal data necessary for billing purposes may be requested.

1. Contracting the service

1.1. The subscription fee for the service will be charged according to the payment method indicated at the time of contracting and which will be always visible in the User's account. The billing cycles will be as indicated before the service is contracted. However, the billing date may change due to situations beyond Cocampo's control, due to the responsibility of the User or our third parties who provide services to Cocampo. Visit the "User" profile to view billing cycles and upcoming subscription-related charges.

1.2. Payment Methods. At the time of contracting, you must establish a payment method from those available in the subscription form. The method used in the first contract will be the one used for future payments for the service.

If Cocampo is unable to make the charge corresponding to the given billing cycle, it will inform the User sufficiently in advance so that they can update the payment method and proceed to the payment of what is owed. If the User, after the period indicated by Cocampo, does not pay the amounts owed, he/she will cancel the subscription to the service, reserving the right to carry out the judicial and extrajudicial actions that are appropriate to his/her right to collect what is owed.

1.3. Cancellation. You can unsubscribe from Cocampo's plans at any time, and you will continue to have access to the service until the end of your billing period. Payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for partial subscription periods or unused features. To unsubscribe, visit the "User" profile.

1.4. Changes to prices and subscription plans. We may change our subscription plans and their pricing from time to time. However, any changes to your price or subscription plans will not take effect before 30 days after we notify you. If you don't want to accept the price change or change to your subscription plan, you can cancel your subscription before the change takes effect.

2. Legal right to withdraw from service

In accordance with Article 103. m) of the TRLGDCU, it is reported that the consumer and User will automatically lose the right of withdrawal at the same time that the Service is initiated. In this sense, the contracting and, where appropriate, the activation of the service entails the start of the same, so the User declares and understands that he/she loses the right of withdrawal for the contracted service. However, if you wish to cancel your subscription after a period of time, the provisions of section 1.3 of these special terms and conditions apply.

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FINALITAT DEL TRACTAMENT: Enviament de la nostra newsletter corporativa amb les nostres novetats.

DRETS: Té dret a l'accés, rectificació, supressió, oposició, limitació i portabilitat de les vostres dades personals. També podeu retirar el consentiment prestat per a aquest tractament en qualsevol moment. Podeu acudir igualment a l'Autoritat de Control (AEPD) per reclamar els vostres drets en matèria de protecció de dades.

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© 2024 Cocampo Digital S.L.

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