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Land for sale in Asturias

Rural land in Asturias has a total of 333 thousand hectares of usable agricultural area (UAA), of which 4.28% is arable land, 1.51% is woody crops and 94.15% is permanent pasture. In its agriculture, herbaceous crops such as fodder corn, dry beans, kiwi, or potatoes, and woody crops such as apple and walnut trees stand out. With respect to livestock, the cattle sector stands out, and although in recent years it has been in decline, it continues to be an important economic engine for the community. Therefore, most of the rural properties in Asturias are dedicated to agriculture and livestock. The most common animals hunted are deer, fallow deer, goats and wild boar.

The Principality of Asturias is located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, from the geographical point of view it can be said that it is a very mountainous region characterized by being in the Cantabrian mountain range, in addition, it has high mountains of between 1,000 and 2,600 meters, such as the Torre de Cerrecedo or the Naranjo de Bulnes.


Properties for sale

EUR 10,650

Half price

1 ha

Average ha

EUR 26,423/ha

Average price of ha


Where can I rent rural properties in Asturias or rustic houses in Asturias?

The rental of rustic houses in Asturias is common, in Cocampo you can find advertisements of farms and rustic houses for rent.

What is the average price of rustic land for sale in Asturias?

The average price of agricultural land per hectare in Asturias is 9,742 euros.

What is rustic land used for in Asturias?

In addition to being dedicated to the agricultural and livestock sector, the rustic land in the community is dedicated to tourism, this makes a large part of the accommodation of tourists are rural houses in Asturias, it is also important to note that many of the workers dedicated to the sector do not live in the city, but in cottages in Asturias.

How can I find cheap cottages for sale in Asturias?

You can click on "more properties" and within the search engine of all the properties in Asturias filter by price to find the cheapest ones. There is not only the option to buy, but also to rent cheap country houses in Asturias.

What are the most popular areas for the purchase of rural properties in Asturias?

Buyers are looking for rural houses in Gijón, Cangas de Onis, Soto del Barco, Gozón, Somiedo; country houses in Luarca, Oviedo, Lastres, Llanes, Villavicios, country houses in Castrillón, Ribadesella, Carreño, Cudillero, and rustic land in Pravia, Langreo, Proaza, Llanera, Siero, Avilés. On the results page you can filter by keyword to refine your search. Enter the location, the type of farm or the specific crop to find what you are looking for.

What keywords or phrases can we use to find a rustic land in the Cocampo search engine?

It all depends on the type of rural land we are looking for, if for example we are looking for a rural house or the sale of rural houses in Asturias, you can select rural house as a keyword and Asturias as the search province. If for example we had clear in which city we want to look for the land within the community, we could choose to look for sale of rustic properties of individuals in Gijón.


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